The Beauty and Simplicity of Pearls

Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah

Tis the season of giving gifts… A gift of jewelry is timeless

It represents a moment in time

A commitment of love between two people

A special anniversary

The birth of a child

A special occasion

A unique event

A celebration of success

What makes a gift of jewelry special is the emotion it evokes…Smiles, tears of joy, excitement, gratitude.

Enjoy this season of giving gifts and bringing joy!

This month we are talking about pearls. The beauty and simplicity of pearls remind me of the colors around us this time of year. Timeless elegance.

The Beauty and Simplicity of Pearls


Pearls are classic and unique. Unlike other gems that form in nature, pearls are cultured, grown inside molluscs in the ocean and freshwater. An irritant is placed inside an oyster in the ocean, for example. The nacre (an organic-inorganic material), also known as mother-of-pearl, forms layer by layer around the irritant to create a pearl over time.

The longer the pearl stays inside the mollusc, the larger the pearl becomes. The pearl takes on the color of the inside of the shell. What I personally love about wearing pearls, is that their iridescence brightens up my face.

Legend & Lore

In Hindu mythology, pearls represent love, purity and a blessed union. It is said in the story of Krishna, that he pulled a beautiful pearl from the bottom of the seas as a gift to his daughter on her wedding day.

The ancient Chinese saw pearls as a symbol of wisdom. The Romans viewed pearls as a symbol of wealth and status. Caesar ruled that no one below a certain class would be allowed to own a pearl. The Egyptians were buried with their pearls and thus take their symbols of wealth into the after-life.

Call me, text me, or email me to discuss: 

  • a gift you are interested in purchasing from the Fabio Angri Collection or from the G.B. Clark Collection

  • a gift you are interested in purchasing for a special occasion

  • or to simply ask for ideas and guidance on jewelry. 

Jewelry is personal. No one ever buys jewelry for a sad occasion.

Together let’s bring joy.

Philippa KellyComment